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Dealing with Damaged, Modified or Altered Roof Trusses

Damaged Roof Trusses Home Inspection

Damage commonly occurs during construction due to transport and handling of trusses (see photos of typical damage). Any damage is considered an “alteration” of the original truss design.

Per State law, any alterations must be evaluated by a “registered design professional” and either approved as is, or a repair must be designed by said professional and implemented by a qualified contractor.

Repair methods are very specific, as seen from an engineer’s report:

“Install new number 2, 2x4 Spruce-Pine-Fir (or better) to infill the portions of the members that have been damaged. Reinforce members by installing a full length number 2, 2x4 SPF between panel points, sistered to the new material and the damaged truss members using (2) ¼” diameter x 3½” long Simpson SDS wood screws at panel points at each end, and at 16” o.c. along the length of the members with (1) screw located above and below the cut location within 4” of each side of the cut.”

Most builders readily comply with proper evaluation and repair.  However, during my nearly 20 years of completing home inspections, I’ve run across a few stubborn construction managers who inform the realtor and buyer that they are qualified to make truss repairs and have done so for years.

Do not let an unqualified person repair such critical structural housing members.

Per the State of NC, truss members shall not be altered in any way without the approval of a registered design professional (registered or licensed to practice their profession as defined by professional egistration laws;  i.e. licensed engineer (structural)).

Construction superintendents, construction managers and licensed general contractors do not meet this requirement.

For the full NC Residential Code explanation, see and scroll down to R802.10.4

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